Sunday 26 March 2017

DNF - Around the Bay 30k March 26, 2017

This year I have been a part of the Around The Bay Buzz Crew, a group of participants whose task was to promote the event on social media and encourage everyone to participate and generate “buzz” around this race, which started in 1894 which makes it the oldest road race in North America.

I logged most of my training runs and tried to promote as often as possible as this is an event I look forward to every year – I have run it 6 of the last 8 years and it has become a staple event to help in the spring marathon training program.

The weather this year was inconsistent between freezing cold days, rain and then warm spells it became difficult to figure out what to wear and I decided today to run in shorts, a long sleeve t and then my running shell jacket to keep off the potential rain.  As it turns out, the rain held off and it was windy but I never really felt underdressed.

I was so excited to get the run underway, and settled into Corral C with a plan to finish somewhere between 2:45-2:50 if possible, but was always looking at this as a training run for the Ottawa Marathon more than trying to hit a PB (2:49) for the race.

Once underway, things felt good as we headed through downtown and towards the harbour, and even once we hit the overpasses things were good as we hit the 10k mark and headed along the lake. I was keeping pace with the 2:45 bunny and eased into a comfortable pace coming up to the halfway mark and then it all went wrong in a hurry.

I don’t even know exactly when but somewhere after crossing the rail bridge I started to feel pain in my right knee and by 17k I had to stop and reassess the situation. After waiting a few minutes and realizing that I would try to carry on, I headed into Burlington knowing that this was not going to end well, and decided that I would slow down and switch to more of a shuffle run style to minimize the stress on the knee and grit it out to the 20k relay transfer location where I pulled out and headed to the shuttle busses for a ride back to the start.

I was very disappointed that I could not carry on, but I did not want to risk major injury by pushing harder than I needed, and feel that pulling out was the best decision. My goal is to complete the Ottawa Marathon in May and to run the 5 Peaks trail series so saving myself for the rest of the “season” was a no-brainer.

I will find time this spring to finish the last 10k on my own but unfortunately won’t be able to high five the Grim Reaper, a local fixture of the race who taunts runners in the home stretch, after climbing the hill at 26k and passing by the Hamilton Cemetery at 28k, with the downtown finish in sight.

For anyone looking for a challenge, this race has it, from the early spring unpredictable weather, the unique distance, and the rolling hills this race will test your physical and mental limits, and will likely become a favourite. There are races for kids, a 5k, and 3 versions of the 30k (full 30k, 2x15k relay, or 3x10k relay) so there are options for everyone. Check out their website for more information.

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