Friday 18 October 2013

Marathon Training

I started running a few years ago, at least in terms of running organized races. Since then it has become more of a lifestyle change than a habit, and more of an exercise routine, obsession, and challenge to myself to see how far I can go and how far I can push myself to perform.

I started with a few smaller runs, 5ks etc and then pushed to the 10k range, before challenging myself to run the half marathon distance. I would train with friends and started a morning run loop routine that started at around 2-3k daily and then participate in clinics and a long run on the weekend.
Over time that became a comfortable habit and then the thoughts of running longer distances crept in and before I knew it the annual “Around the Bay 30k” in Hamilton had become routine and the thought of the 42.2k distance did not seem that far off.

I trained with a running buddy, Kerry, and together we ran on weekends and enjoyed the bond of social running and pacing each other towards the goal of completing our first full… A toe injury put my plans on hold, and Kerry completed his first full while I could only wish that I would recover, and then planned to run my first in Hamilton for the Road 2 Hope.  We both entered the race and again a lack of preparation impacted my race, but I did manage to complete the distance, with a lot of walking in the last 12k in just over 5 hours.

All I can really remember was losing the 3:45 pace bunny at 28k as I hit the proverbial wall and lost my drive and energy and battled thoughts of quitting while I continued to walk angry at myself for a lack of proper training and nutrition. My crowning moment was my determination to run across the finish line, and mustered everything I had at 40k to run the rest and with my coach and training partner and their son cheering me on, I picked up the pace and crossed the line victorious but disappointed.

As only a distance runner will understand, within half an hour as I was settling into the passenger seat on the way home, the thought of running not only another marathon, but attempting an ultra-marathon distance of 50k crossed my mind.

This brings me to now – to two nights before I tackle the Detroit Free Press International Marathon, the distance that has challenged me to drag myself out of bed at 5am when it’s cold and dark outside, and my bed is warm…

This time it will be different because of a few things…

First – my training is better – since July I have logged well over 500km of training runs and I have listened to my body and pushed when I could and rested when I should as well. Most of these training runs have been solo – this time I was running the marathon alone – not with a group or even Kerry – this was for me, about me, and about not giving up.

Second, and most importantly, my nutrition is better – I have been eating better, hydrating more, and supplementing not with gels or other gummies like I did previously (I had at least 6 gels running a half marathon 2 years ago and paid dearly with digestion issues). This time my fuel is Energy Bits – a spirulina algae tablet that has changed the way I think and manage my hunger and energy supply. These bits are amazing – 100% natural, a high source of protein and low in calories. I take them every day, running or not, and have noticed a sustained energy level. When I run, I take more before heading out and have noticed that I don’t crash mid-run, nor do I feel hungry… about half way through my long run, I will take more – usually 10-15 tabs and I am able to maintain pace and activity. I have even noticed that my post run recovery is quicker; there are a lot less aches and even no real need for a nap. Even the morning loop runs have graduated to the 6-8k range and happen 3-4x a week.

As I think about the last minute details, my main concern is making sure that I have enough “bits” for race day and given the small size, it will be much easier to carry these than worry about numerous gels and then disposing of the garbage.

I can’t wait for Sunday – to complete the race – to beat my goal time of sub-4hr, and to be able to function the rest of the day because I have done what I needed to do to prepare.

Now it’s just up to me to put one foot in front of the other, repeatedly, to not stop running until I have crossed that Finish Line.

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